
ESRM 304
Environmental and Resource Assessment

Autumn 2007






Introduction to Land Measurement: Assignment


  1. Be careful and methodical.
  2. Show your work where applicable (as an appendix to the report).



Field procedure

  1. Form teams of three. At least one person on each team should have taken ESRM 250 or have experience using ArcGIS.
  2. Make sure each team has a compass, clinometer, measuring tape, and field notebook.
  3. Do not adjust your compass for magnetic declination; we will correct for that in the calculations. Record your angles as azimuth values (0°-360°).
  4. Traverse the 4 lamp post stations as indicated in the photo below.

    1. Station 1 is an interpretive sign titled "Shaping the UW History"
    2. Station 2 is a lamp post marked "K3" in black letters
    3. Station 3 is a lamp post marked "BG-27" near the base
    4. Station 4 is a lamp post marked "BG-26" near the base.

  5. The distance measurements should be taken from pole to pole.
  6. You may need to step away from the stations in order to avoid magnetic effects.
  7. Elevation angles should be measured using your partner's head as a target.



Turn in a single PDF file, via Catalyst Collect It. It should be identified with all team members' names, the course number, quarter, and date.
It should contain the following sections:

  1. Scanned original field notes
  2. A hand-drawn graph of the area
  3. Error of closure (EOC) and precision reported as a ratio (1:xxx)
  4. The coordinates of each one of the four points in WA-State Plane North, NAD83 Feet
    Note: assume the State Plane coordinates for Station 1 are (1277179.9, 241854.7).
  5. The area in acres described by the four points
  6. Two (simple) maps produced with ArcMap showing an orthophoto of the area of campus traversed in the survey, including:
    1. Map 1:
      1. Team member names and date of survey
      2. Stations labeled with ID, X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, and measured interior angle
      3. Polygon edges labeled with measured lengths
      4. A label at the polygon center displaying calculated area
      5. Scale bar and north arrow
    2. Map 2:
      1. Team member names and date of survey
      2. Stations labeled with ID and corrected interior angles
      3. Polygon edges labeled with lengths obtained from the GIS
      4. A label at the polygon center displaying area obtained from the GIS
      5. Scale bar and north arrow
  7. An appendix (optional) showing your calculations

Helpful notes for ArcGIS are here.

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[College of Forest Resources]

[University of Washington]


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